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Greater Together poster
Greater Together employee photo shoot

Greater Together: Campaign to Merge Two of Alberta’s Largest Credit Unions.

In the dynamic landscape of financial institutions, the merger of two prominent Alberta-based credit unions, Servus Credit Union and connectFirst Credit Union, presented a unique opportunity for growth, enhanced services, and community impact. The challenge lay in garnering member support and a positive vote for the merger. WinterCove took on the challenge by developing an integrated communications campaign titled ‘Greater Together,’ focusing on educating members and employees about the benefits and rationale of the merger, fostering engagement, and ensuring transparent communication throughout the merger process.

WinterCove conceptualized and executed ‘Greater Together’ as the foundation of the merger campaign, emphasizing unity, shared values, and a stronger future for both credit unions and their members. The pillars of the campaign revolved around education, transparency, and easy access to updated information.

Central to the digital presence, the team created a dedicated microsite,, providing merger details, FAQs, member guides, as well as information for the province-wide open house sessions for members. This was supported by videos and social media content to communicate key messages and foster a sense of belonging among members.

WinterCove also developed an ambassador program, enlisting and training passionate employees to act as advocates, spreading awareness and addressing queries within their respective communities. This included conducting extensive training sessions for credit union employees, ensuring they were well-versed in the rational for the merger, so they could confidently answer member inquiries.

In addition, we provided media training to credit union executives, equipping them with the skills to effectively communicate the merger’s benefits. A robust crisis communications plan was also developed to prepare for potential challenges.

WinterCove’s strategic approach, combined with the dedication of credit union employees and members, led to an overwhelming 85% of members voting in favour of the merger. By emphasizing unity, transparent communication, and a shared vision, the ‘Greater Together’ campaign not only secured member support but also laid the foundation for a stronger, more resilient financial institution, poised to serve its members and communities more effectively.